Friday, March 20, 2009

The newest addition to our family.....wrinkles!

We have added a new addition to our family, his name is Sullivan "Sully". He is super cute and very playful. The kids really enjoy him and I think even our old dog Donut, is excited to have a friend to play with too! We have had him for about 4 wks now and he is growing fast. I'll have to add some new pics later as he grows into our family.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Big Bro and Lil Sis


It amazes me that so many people think my youngest two are twins, would you believe they are two years and three days apart? Well they are. We thought we were done when we had Noah, but seriously thinking about it knowing the older two (who are 16 and 10) would be gone and out of the house before we know it, and leaving him all alone. So we decided to try once more and were blessed with our beautiful daughter Sara. They are so much fun to watch together, she tries her hardest to keep up with him. Soon she will be bigger then him. They are like Mutt and Jeff, ketchup and mustard, always together. I hope it remains that way through all the years to come!