Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy un...Halloween

Well ghost and goblins will be out in full force tonight and jacked up on sugar. Hard to believe that it is Halloween already. That only means that I can "officially" put up my Christmas tree tomorrow and not be laughed at. Yes I know I am weird, but what can I say. But if the retailers can do it, then so can I!

As for Halloween, this is probably the second day of the year that most kids spend the whole year waiting on. The idea of dressing up and getting all the candy you possibly could want is a dream for almost any kid. We don't really do the Halloween thing very well, I personally don't like the day. Yeah I know, bad parent. There is a function at the mall being put on by our local christian radio station called "take back the night" with all kinds of things to do, we may go and take the three younger ones to that. We already did "Boo at the Zoo!" two weeks ago, Nathan went as a reporter/sketch artist, Noah was a pirate and Sara was a girraffe and they had a great time. Nathan's main goal is "the one with the most candy wins", Noah is at that stage where everything is 'scary', so he is a little hesitant about all these people in costumes and Sara, poor girl just doesn't have a clue yet. I will be sure to post some pictures later. Jonathan is going to a lock in at our church ( for the teens, he will be up all night, if he makes it throug the night without sleeping, I'm sure he will crash tomorrow morning. I am on call tomorrow, so we will see how my luck plays out!

October is almost over and the next thing you know we will be in the full swing of the holidays. This year is going to be different. How? Well due to a new holiday work schedule, for the first time in seven years I will be able to travel out of town to visit my husbands family for the Thanksgiving holiday. I'm excited because there will be so many of us there. At least 23 of about one big turkey!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Sometimes it's hard to say good-bye!

As the title would suggest, I am finding it hard to say good-bye. Good-bye to what you might ask? Well, my baby girl is growing up. She just turned 10 months old and growing like a weed. So now I am left with having to go through the house and decide what things we no longer need and get rid of them. That almost sounds so harsh. As I am going about and collecting the bouncy seat, the walker and exersaucer, the swing and jump-a-roo, the this and thats...... Then making a listing on Craigslist, for some other parent, who in turn will get to make memories with their child. I am getting a bit sentimental and emotional about all of it. Never again will my daughter ever be this small again. All I have to remind me are pictures and my memories (until old age takes them). I am excited at the prospect that we get to move on to bigger and better things, but yet again, can I just enjoy her being this small for a little while longer? It just seems like yesterday I was pregnant with her, waiting with anticipation for her arrival. Then meeting my beautiful daughter early in the morning on the day she chose to be born. What a blessing from God she has been. Even though there were some rough spots along the way, I look back and just sigh because those are moments in time frozen forever. She is her own little person with so much to offer the future. Everyday it seems like she has achieved so many milestones and is sure to be walking any day now, and the older she gets the cuter she becomes. Soon we will be celebrating her first birthday and I'm sure will aquire even more stuff to replace the old stuff that I am letting go.
Letting go, that seems like something as parents we have difficulty doing at times. But time moves on and so must we.

Wait until May 0f 2010 when I have my firstborn graduate from high school, I'm sure I will be a complete mess!